
Amazing Grace

I am sorry to report that Amazing Grace has died after a long battle with cancer. My deepest condolences to her family. Grace — pictured here with me back in 2014, where she was guest of honor at the Atlanta screening of Redemption, my film about the No Kill revolution in America   — survived being put in the gas chamber. She was the namesake behind the passage of Grace’s Law which finally banned gas killing of animals in Georgia pounds.

What made that law successful, where others failed, is that advocates succeeded in getting the legislation assigned to the Science and Technology Committee, rather than the Committee on Agriculture, where pro-animal bills go to die (not just in Georgia, but everywhere). There’s no substitute for understanding the political process and making connections with people in positions of power. The key to success is personal relationships. A sweet, fuzzy face like Grace’s doesn’t hurt either.

Rest in peace, sweet angel.

Photos courtesy of Valerie Hayes.


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