Nevada Humane Society does a personal best 969 adoptions in August! Join their team!
Lynchburg (VA) Humane Society, which operates the pound, hires new director committed to No Kill (the former number 2 person at the No Kill Charlottesville animal control shelter) who cuts the death rate by 68% virtually overnight
Beverly Hills (CA) defies the trumped up anti-cat propaganda of the local Audubon Society chapter and passes pro-TNR ordinance.
The Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare edited by University of Colorado Biology Professor Marc Bekoff with a foreword by Jane Goodall, has been updated after ten years and will be released in November. It has been expanded to two full volumes and now includes a chapter on the No Kill movement written by:. (drum roll, please) me!
The PBS No Kill documentary, Fifteen Legs, which features extended commentary by me and follows rescuers in the South and New England states, will soon be for sale on Amazon and elsewhere.
The ASPCA in New York City does a welcome flip-flop on Michael Vick thanks to our pressure and now condemns the NFL reinstatement. It’s still weak and some of the sentiments are misguided, but only HSUS still embraces the most notorious animal abuser of our time.
The Michigan Humane Society has a great marketing campaign for cats.
I interview University of California Los Angeles Law Professor Taimie Bryant about the Hayden Law.
This Sunday, I’ll talk with hosts Beth and Mike about adoption standards: Are we loving them to death? on the Twin Cities based Animal Wise Radio.
HSUS lies at a Baton Rouge (LA) forum of animal groups saying No Kill has never been achieved. Ahem, I would beg to differ.
I’m heading to Australia in a couple of weeks as part of the No Kill Equation invasion of Oz.
And Best Friends asks me to talk about adoptions, as well as shelter reform, in Las Vegas. If you go to the No More Homeless Pets conference, I’ll have a table at the exhibitor hall. Come by and say hello and I’ll give you a free first edition copy of Redemption.
O.K. not quite the world, but want more? Follow me on twitter.