Articles PETA

A Complete and Utter Rout as PETA’s Lawsuit Collapses

  For the past several days, I have been posting stories of our movement’s success, including groundbreaking accomplishments in 2019 and groundbreaking developments for the year to come. Here’s even more good news, not just for animals, but for myself and other people who have worked to expose the grisly truth about PETA and the thousands of healthy animals they kill every year. Maya was taken from her home and illegally killed by PETA representatives.…

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A Very Good No Kill Year

Puppies received extra protection in Austin, TX, thanks to a new law. Despite whatever other calamities may have dominated the headlines throughout this most tumultuous of years, 2019 brought a lot of positive news for animals and people who love them. To quote Frank Sinatra: “it was a very good year.” There’s been a 90% drop in the pound killing of U.S. dogs and cats since the 1970s. Despite a doubling of the number of…

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Articles ASPCA Corruption

Maddie’s Fund: Making sure “shelters” that kill “don’t look bad” more important than stopping them from killing

2019 was a pretty terrific year for the No Kill movement and next week, I’ll share some of the top stories, new studies, groundbreaking court cases, and more that not only helped fuel its success, but are laying the founding for our forward push towards a certain, and hopefully not too distant, victory. To paraphrase the No Kill Advocacy Center, a No Kill nation is truly within our reach. But it was not without its…

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Plant-Based Fast Food Yields Long Lines and Quick Sell Outs

Earlier this summer, I wrote about stepping inside a Red Robin for the first time ever and a Burger King for the first time in 24 years, after the chains added the plant-based Impossible burger to their menu. I’ve stepped back many times since. The Impossible Whopper is my favorite food right now and I am not alone. A new industry report notes that Impossible Foods is the fourth fastest growing overall brand in America.…

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Articles Corruption

The Killing of Mr. Pickles

On November 23, Mr. Pickles was surrendered by his family to the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care & Control (LACDACC). Although initially scared, Mr. Pickles turned out to be very sweet, rubbing up against the bars of his cage when volunteers or staff walked by and calling out to them with a soft meow. He was so pliable, in fact, a volunteer put Mr. Potato Head glasses on him, caressed his beautiful orange…

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Articles PETA

What is your dog worth?

Looking for Oswald? You can usually find him in the crook of my arm. Veterinarians, boarding kennels, and others in the business of making money off our great love of animals are not shy about acknowledging what they call “the deep bond humans develop with their pets” when we are writing the checks to them. As one of their industry organizations recently acknowledged: “A majority of pet owners share their beds with furry friends. People…

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Articles Corruption PETA

El Paso Police Move to Block Release of Evidence in Dog/Cat Pound Deaths

Last month, PETA released photographs given to them by a whistleblower at the El Paso, TX, pound. The photographs show dogs being mauled by other dogs, one dead puppy covered in blood with one forelimb gnawed completely to the bone and the other partially eaten. (To view that photograph, click here.) They also show the dead cat posted above. In a letter to the City of El Paso, PETA — which itself kills thousands of…

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AKC Certifies “Cruel” Breeders

Authorities found these conditions at an AKC “Breeder of Merit” only eight days after an AKC inspection. The “Breeder of Merit” was charged with cruelty. The AKC claims it has “an ongoing routine kennel inspection program” and “a dedicated team of field agents” to certify breeders. And yet, despite certifying hundreds of thousands of breeders, including designating thousands of those as “the most conscientious and most committed breeders,” the AKC is not performing any inspections…

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Study: Stop Killing Dogs for “Food Guarding”

  Almost two decades ago, I argued against testing dogs for “food aggression” (what is now called “resource-” or “food-guarding”) because doing so was setting dogs up to fail. I argued that there were too many false positives, every dog — from the 120 lb. rottie to the 10 lb. chihuahua — had a little bit of the wolf in him, and shelters were notoriously unreliable venues to predict behavior in a home. Moreover, as…

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The Birth of TNR at Stanford University

My son’s latest column in The Stanford Daily tells the fascinating story of how a small group of cat lovers saved 1,000 cats and, in the process, pioneered TNR on college campuses. Thirty years ago, cat lovers at Stanford University stood up to the powers that be. They stood up the University Administration which wanted to round up and expel the cats who called the campus home. They stood up the county pound which killed…

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