
Governor Newsom: Ban Killing in CA Pounds

On behalf of the No Kill Advocacy Center, I wrote Governor Gavin Newsom asking him to help dogs, cats, and other animal companions by abolishing killing in California’s animal shelters. I told him that California kills more animals than any other U.S. state and we don’t have to. It’s uncivilized, it wastes taxpayer dollars, provides no public safety benefit or value, and it is absolute, irreversible, and irreparable. Moreover, everyone on death row in our…

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Articles ASPCA

It’s Deja Vu All Over Again

The ASPCA is lobbying for animals to die. The ink is not yet dry on New York State shelter reform legislation, the bill doesn’t even have a number yet, and Matt Bershadker, the ASPCA’s CEO, is already spending donor funds to kill it, saying it isn’t needed because the New York City pound is a model of compassionate sheltering. Not only does this ignore the care of animals in other shelters throughout the state, but…

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Articles PETA


  I responded to a call from a concerned woman who’d found an abandoned days-old kitten under her porch. When I came to pick up the kitten, I had her sign a generic give-up form that spelled out that euthanasia was a possibility. But I was instructed to repeatedly convey that we would do our absolute best, and so that’s what I said, even as the woman described her careful search for an organization she…

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No Kill: Good Ethics, Good Business, Good Politics

  The Hon. Ginger Nelson, Mayor, And Members of the City Council Amarillo City Hall 601 S. Buchanan Amarillo, TX 79101 Dear Mayor and Members of the City Council: The No Kill Advocacy Center is the nation’s premier national organization working to end the systematic killing of animals in U.S. shelters. We have assisted communities across the nation achieve placement rates greater than 90% and as high as 99%, with hundreds of cities and towns…

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Articles PETA

PETA is a “terrifying and desensitizing” “cult” — Another Former PETA Employee Speaks Out

Ultimately, the culture was terrifying and desensitizing-Š—-Šand I gradually felt that my view of death, of taking animals’ lives, was being warped, my emotions being stripped away. Joining the ranks of former PETA fieldworker Heather Harper-Troje, another employee has come forward by name to tell about her experiences at PETA killing animals and the stifling, cult-like atmosphere that pervades the organization; a culture she described as “terrifying and desensitizing.” Laura Lee Cascada, a PETA employee,…

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Florida Companion Animal Public-Private Partnership Act

If HB 1095/SB 1202 become law, tens of thousands of animals will be saved instead of being killed every year in Florida pounds, all at no cost to taxpayers. The Florida Companion Animal Public-Private Partnership Act — written by the No Kill Advocacy Center, my organization and sponsored by Representative Barbara Watson and Senator Kevin Rader — would make it illegal for municipal pounds to kill animals when qualified non-profit rescue organizations are ready, willing,…

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Articles PETA

PETA News Coverage: Whimsy Over Substance

PETA has been trending in the news but not for the reasons they should. In a tweet, they criticized Google’s decision to honor Steve Irwin, the Australian conservationist, by doing a doodle of him. Stories taking them to task appeared in USA Today, BuzzFeed, NBC, Fox, and more. They have appeared in Australian newspapers, Indian newspapers, British papers, and newspapers elsewhere across the world. Meanwhile, not a line of print is dedicated to the real…

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Articles ASPCA Best Friends HSUS PETA


What Pixar’s masterpiece says about how far the No Kill movement has come, how far it still has to go, the need for shelter reform legislation, and corruption within groups like the ASPCA.   Kitbull  is the new short film by Pixar. The name “Kitbull” comes from a combination of kitten and pit bull for the inseparable bond that forms between a feral kitten and an abused pit bull. It is a film that explores…

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Orly Degani

The animals have lost a great friend and champion. Orly Degani, who used her considerable legal skills to fight for the rights of animals, died Monday, Feb. 4. Yesterday, as the rain fell gently, her family and friends gathered in the Hollywood Hills and said goodbye. Her many victories for animals include a California Supreme Court decision that upheld the ban on the sale of shoes made from kangaroos as she beat back a challenge…

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Articles PETA

PETA vs. Winograd

  PETA demanded in court that I reveal the names of PETA employees who spoke to me on condition of anonymity about PETA’s killing of animals. The information they provided was used to corroborate newspaper articles, on the record sources, government documents received under the Public Records Act, testimony and information from civil and criminal cases against PETA, videotape evidence, and admissions of killing by PETA officials. Their testimony was used for a series of…

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