
Delaware Mandates Community Cat Sterilization

Delaware Gov. John Carney signs the cat bill into law. The State of Delaware has taken another step forward by protecting community cats and making community cat sterilization the preferred method of “animal control” throughout the state. This week, the Governor signed HB235 which mandates that “visibly healthy cats admitted to a shelter, not placed for adoption, and lacking discernible owner identification, are sterilized, vaccinated against rabies, ear-tipped, and returned to a safe location where…

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Good news for animals and animal lovers of NYC

New York City Council Member Robert Holden to introduce shelter reform legislation that prohibits convenience killing and mandates the programs and services of the No Kill Equation. This week, I received the exciting news that New York City Council Member Bob Holden has “started the legislative drafting process” for a shelter standards law based on the Companion Animal Protection Act (CAPA), the model shelter reform legislation written by the No Kill Advocacy Center, my organization.…

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Articles Corruption

Dear Mayor de Blasio and Members of the City Council

In light of historical, ongoing, and as I posted this past week, recent revelations of animal care deficits in New York City’s pound system,  and in light of the fact that the Health Department is attempting to push through a 34-year contract in secret which will maintain the status quo until 2052, I’ve sent a letter, on behalf of the No Kill Advocacy Center, to the Mayor, City Council, and Health Commissioner requesting reform of…

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Saving the Cow and the Field Mouse

A new study which looks at the number of field deaths of wild animals in plant agriculture is being used by meat-eating apologists to claim that a plant-based diet is not more ethical than eating animals. Writing in the Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, philosophy professors Bob Fischer, of Texas State University, and Andy Lamey, of the University of California, San Diego, note that every year, 40 million cows, 120 million pigs, and 9…

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Articles ASPCA Corruption

The Faces of NYCACC’s “Spay Neuter Kill” Victims

These are the Faces of NYCACC’s “Spay Neuter Kill” Victims On average, virtually every week since the program started in January 2017, a dog or cat who has been sterilized by the ASPCA under contract with New York City Animal Care & Control (NYCACC) is returned to the pound and then killed—animals who have undergone anesthesia, and the females, major abdominal surgery, with taxpayers footing the bill. This not only exposes animals to needless pain…

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Articles PETA

PETA issues a subpoena demanding I turn over confidential informants for my book, “Why PETA Kills.”

In defense of their safety, the safety of animals, and my First Amendment rights, I will NOT be doing so. Please help me. For more than two decades, I have been working to expose the grisly truth about PETA: that far from being a voice for the rights of animals as is commonly believed, employees at PETA headquarters in Norfolk, VA commit daily violence against them, injecting thousands of healthy puppies, kittens, dogs, cats, rabbits,…

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Articles PETA

My Message to PETA After Receipt of Their Recent Subpoena

In response to PETA’s subpoena demanding I turn over all communication I have had with former PETA employees who have recounted in detail the ways and means by which PETA slaughters roughly 2,000 mostly healthy dogs, cats, puppies, kittens, rabbits, and other animals every year, I want to make my position clear. In case there was any doubt at PETA that this or any other donor-funded strong-arm tactic designed to silence me and infringe on…

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Forever on the Cusp

A dog available for adoption at the Humane Society of Fremont County, one of the brightest spots in Colorado’s constellation of progressive sheltering communities. Colorado is stuck. Don’t get me wrong. The state has the second largest number of communities with placement rates above 90%. Fremont County is continuing to help redefine the rehabilitation of dogs with behavior challenges, finding homes for 99% and limiting “aggression”-related killing to 1/4th of 1%. The City Council in…

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No Kill is Love: New York Times Edition

Tens of thousands of animals were spared death this weekend. A New York Times OpEd writer suggests that’s a bad thing. A hopelessly contradictory and factually inaccurate OpEd piece in the New York Times is reigniting a false debate about whether No Kill policies help or harm animals. (Hint: saving lives rather than poisoning them to death with barbiturates, inducing a heart attack by heartsticking, or gassing them in a chamber is a good thing,…

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No-Fee Adoption Events Save Lives

Yesterday I wrote about Valerie, a dog adopted during a no-fee adoption event in Southern California. The initial report indicated she was sexually abused and died of blunt force trauma. Some well-meaning, but in my view misguided, advocates claimed they would protest this weekend’s Clear the Shelters events, where over 7,000 agencies are expected to place 50,000 animals who otherwise face the very real threat of death. Some less well-meaning people, looking to exploit Valerie’s…

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