
Transparency is the Hallmark of Accountability

There are a lot of organizations that masquerade as something they are not, betraying their founding missions, betraying the animals they are supposed to protect, and misleading the public and legislators about who and what they really are. This includes PETA, the ASPCA, and others. In New York, it also includes an “organization” that calls itself the New York State Humane Association. In addition to a long history of fighting progressive sheltering and defending regressive…

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Housing Discrimination Ban Would Save 8.75 Million Animals

A new study finds that eliminating housing discrimination for people whose families include a dog, cat, or other animal companion would allow 8.75 million animals to find new homes, roughly six years worth of killing in U.S. pounds. While the study did find that more rental units allow animals than do not, it also found that even if they do allow animals, 72% restrict the number of pets, 50% restrict the size of the dog,…

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Articles PETA

PETA Death Toll Surpasses 40,000

 One of PETA’s 40,854 known victims. The Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, which oversees animal “shelters” in the state, just released PETA statistics for 2019. While communities across Virginia and the country are reporting placement rates that are higher than ever – in some cases, the highest in their history (as high as 99% in municipal shelters) – PETA continues to act as the functional equivalent of a slaughterhouse. In 2019, PETA put…

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First Amendment Protects Animals from Abuse/Killing

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. — First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. A Federal Court ruled this week that a Kansas law making it illegal to film animal abuse on factory farms violates the First…

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How We End Killing in California

In order to network him, a volunteer put Mr. Potato Head glasses on Mr. Pickles and snapped his photo to show others how sweet and cute he was. Instead, Mr. Pickles — young, healthy, friendly, already neutered, wearing a collar and little orange bell — was killed by Los Angeles County pound staff who falsely labeled him “feral.” Two weeks ago, Governor Gavin Newsom announced he wanted California to become a No Kill state. I…

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Articles Corruption

Pueblo Councilmember’s Conduct Both Shameful & Dangerous

I recently received a letter from a law firm, on behalf of a Pueblo, CO, City Councilmember. The letter accused me of making “false and defamatory statements” about the Councilmember and threatening me with litigation for articles I wrote challenging her op-ed in the local newspaper in which she defended the killing of animals at the Pueblo pound by hiding behind PETA’s anti-No Kill rhetoric. My articles were not just accurate; they are politically protected…

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A No Kill California? ‘Bah, humbug!,’ say some

No sooner does the Governor of California announce he wants to end the killing of homeless dogs and cats in pounds throughout the state, than curmudgeons blast the Governor for wanting pounds “to not kill animals:” Several news outlets and special interest groups criticized the Governor for arguing that “animals should be protected as if they were human beings” because they believe that animals are not worthy of such attention, it is hypocritical to do…

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English Tribunal: Vegans Protected Against Discrimination

By contrast, American courts have specifically rejected such rights. An employment tribunal in England has ruled that “ethical veganism” is a protected class under the Equality Act of 2010, which safeguards people from discrimination for their deeply held and religious views. The case involved the alleged wrongful termination of a man who claims he was fired after complaining that his company’s pension fund invested in companies that test on animals. The judge found, “that ethical…

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Articles PETA

VA Legislation Seeks to Put PETA & Others Out of Killing Business

New legislation introduced in Virginia once again seeks to put PETA and other pet slaughterhouses in the state out of the killing business. SB 304 would require “shelters” in Virginia to maintain a minimum 50% placement rate or lose their ability to “purchase, possess, or administer” sodium pentobarbital, the barbiturate PETA and others use to kill animals. PETA’s killing has claimed 39,276 known victims, including healthy puppies and kittens, often killed within minutes without ever…

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