Articles Articles (Essential)

Lessons from an Andy Warhol Tote Bag

For some non-profits, the stakes in which they engage are so high, that their advocacy—when ill informed, antiquated and regressive—can have harmful, even deadly results. They, therefore, have a greater responsibility to stay informed and on top of the field they work in. They need to be held to a higher standard. This is why the recent recommendation by the American Humane Association (AHA) that Washoe County (NV) implement cat licensing is so downright obscene.

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Articles HSUS

Michael Vick’s new spokesman says ‘You are a monster too!’

Wayne Pacelle, the CEO of the Humane Society of the United States and spokesman for the most notorious animal abuser of our time, is digging himself into a deeper hole. The head of the nation’s wealthiest animal “protection” group is now arguing in newspapers across the country, including San Francisco’s, that we should forgive Michael Vick because we are all “sinners when it comes to animals.” Is Pacelle really that desperate that he now says we are all monsters like Vick?

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The Race is On

After one of my presentations at a national conference in Australia, the head of one of New Zealand’s largest shelters offered a challenge: New Zealand will be the first No Kill nation. The Australian delegation accepted the challenge. I accepted it on behalf of the United States. The race is on. Only time will tell if our 15-year head start will be enough to overcome the intransigence of uncaring shelter directors, their shirking staff, the government bureaucrats that protect them, and the national organizations such as the Humane Society of the United States which continue to legitimize the killing.

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Revisiting the No Kill Equation

Two decades ago, the concept of a No Kill community was little more than a dream. Today, it is a reality in many cities and counties nationwide and the numbers continue to grow. And the first step is a decision, a commitment to reject kill-oriented ways of doing business. No Kill starts as an act of will. The next step involves putting in place the infrastructure to save lives.

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HSUS Spokesman Michael Vick: ‘Not My Fault’

Michael Vick has stated that he is not responsible for the brutal abuse and killing of dogs. According to ESPN, Vick told a crowd of about 250 to “use me as an example for your dreams.” Vick also told them that after accomplishing his goals he “allowed someone who didn’t have my best interests at heart to take all that away from me,” according to a release from the school.

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