
They Deserve More

The dogs seized last week as part of a multi-state rescue must be saved. While rescuing the dogs was crucial and for which we are all grateful, we must also demand a commitment to saving them. After all they have been through, the dogs deserve nothing less. And update: Humane Society of Missouri issues a statement that is a welcome change in tone from the ominous statements of others.

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No Kill’s Driving Force

Why does one shelter send thousands of animals every year into foster care, and another kills puppies and kittens because the shelter director “doesn’t want” a foster care program? Why does one shelter set up temporary adoption cages and kennels during peak periods, while another keeps half the cages empty year around for ease of cleaning? Why does one shelter offer legitimate rescue groups “any animal, any time,” while another refuses to work with them? Leadership.

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The Good, Bad, & Ugly Side of Leadership

Los Angeles drops the ball again, Florida hands jail inmates the keys to the animal shelter, a Texas shelter threatens to kill rather than feed animals, and the ASPCA shows why it is incapable of leadership. But there is good news: Indianapolis turns a corner, Reno’s death rate falls to all-time lows, communities across the country join the No Kill club, and the numbers are clearly on our side.

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In Their Own Words

In doing research for the first and then the second edition of Redemption, I amassed a large body of historical archives about the movement. And as I indicated in two prior posts, once the second edition was completed, I began packing away the material used to write the book. But as so often happens when you go through old items, you begin re-reading them. I also wrote that periodically, I’d release some of the material for posterity. Here’s more from the Redemption archives.

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