
The Killing of Puppy 43063

Pit Bull advocates across the country were closely following a recent trial in Virginia about whether Loudon County’s ban on Pit Bull adoptions was legal, given a provision of state law and the Attorney General’s opinion to the contrary. The case, Animal Rescue of Tidewater vs. Loudon County, Virginia ended in the County’s favor. The court held that banning the adoption of dogs deemed Pit Bull or Pit Bull-mixes did not violate the law. As a result, dogs someone says “look” like “Pit Bulls” or “Pit Bull-mixes” will continue to be killed without ever being made available for adoption.

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Articles PETA

Who Loves PETA?

They have threatened to sue me. They’ve taken out ads against me. They’ve written letters to the editor of newspapers lying about me. And they’ve come to the defense of cruel shelters against my reform efforts. But PETA’s latest salvo against me really takes the cake: “Dog Breeders love Nathan.” That is what PETA recently posted on an internet list-serve devoted to animal rights which was debating the No Kill philosophy.

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The Animals of Los Angeles Are Looking toward Sacramento

The California Assembly is considering Assembly Concurrent Resolution 74 which “would urge local animal services agencies, local animal shelters, agencies under contract to provide animal services, societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals, and humane societies to embrace the philosophy of the No Kill movement and implement its programs and services aimed at ending the mass killing of sheltered animals.”

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Is More Killing On the Way to the Twin Cities?

Protests erupted in front of the Animal Humane Society (AHS) in Minneapolis and a petition by animal lovers is calling for the ouster of their director. This followed the mass killing of some 120 cats, despite pleas from rescuers and local shelters willing to help save them. But this does not seem to have made an impact on the AHS Board of Directors. Not only did AHS sanction the killing in a letter parroting staff arguments about the “need” to kill the cats, but according to a subsequent letter from Nic Pifer, Chair of the Board of Directors, the AHS is not only already doing a good job but has hired Dr. Kate Hurley and Dr. Sandra Newbury from the UC Davis Veterinary School to guide them into the future. “No doubt you are familiar with their work and reputation,” Mr. Pifer writes. Yes, Mr. Pifer, I am “familiar with their work and reputation.”

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