Articles PETA

PETA Donations & Taxpayer Funds Used to Kill Kittens

  I just received documents obtained through the Public Records Act demonstrating how PETA delivers healthy cats and kittens to local pounds in order to kill them. These documents show that PETA uses donations given under the mistaken belief that the organization will use those donations to save animals to round up healthy cats and kittens and have them poisoned instead. Among the dead are 9-week old kittens, 10-week old kittens, 4-month old kittens, and…

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Do we have to feed animals to other animals?

We can avoid doing so and as a society, we invariably will. Reprinted from The Huffington Post, Dec. 14, 2017 The Los Angeles Board of Animal Services is considering a proposal to give the dogs “vegan kibble in all six of the city’s animal shelters.” The proposal was met with derision in some circles. It shouldn’t have. “I had no idea this would end up being as big a deal as it has,” said Roger…

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A “shocking” proposal: It is ok to allow cats to go outside (sometimes)

Reggie Watts, the cat (not the comedian). Last week, I posted an article on Facebook about a lawsuit over custody of Reggie, a cat. Rae Bees, a woman who adopted Reggie five years ago from a rescue group with an “indoor only” cat policy, is suing that group for refusing to give her her cat back. Reggie was found wandering by a Good Samaritan and traced to the rescue group through a microchip. After the…

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Articles HSUS

The Predator

“Which red-blooded male hasn’t sexually harassed somebody? Women should be able to take care of themselves.” “We’re not an association that investigates sexual harassment. We raise funds for animals.” Quotes from Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) Board Member explaining why CEO Wayne Pacelle will not be fired after an investigation confirmed sexual harassment allegations against Pacelle, including telling a female staff member he wanted to masturbate in front of her. When employees working…

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Articles PETA

Another Grisly Year at PETA

In 2017, PETA continued to act as the functional equivalent of a slaughterhouse, with more than a thousand defenseless animals dying at the hands of their employees. Just released records submitted to the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) by PETA add 1,842 companion animals to the 32,744 documented killings we know have occurred so far at the hands of PETA employees. Tragically, for yet another year, officials at that agency who are…

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Articles HSUS

#TimesUp For Wayne Pacelle & HSUS

It is long overdue. The Chronicle of Philanthropy is reporting that “The Board of Directors of the Humane Society of the United States, the nation’s most influential animal-welfare group, has hired a Washington law firm to investigate an allegation of workplace misconduct against its longtime chief executive, Wayne Pacelle: “Among the topics, insiders say, is an alleged sexual relationship between Mr. Pacelle and a female employee.” “Among the topics” suggests there are others. That’s not…

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Articles ASPCA

No Kill In Spite of the ASPCA

By Nathan & Jennifer Winograd In 2007, when Bullet, this man’s dog, fell ill, he took him to the ASPCA’s animal hospital in Manhattan for care. He had fed Bullet with a spoon since birth. “He was my baby,” Lopez told The News. Instead of treating him, an abusive ASPCA employee kicked Bullet to death. The ASPCA subsequently covered it up and lied to him. “I brought the dog there thinking they would save my…

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NPR’s Article on Stray Dogs is Two Centuries Too Late

An article on NPR says that there is “No ‘Easy Answer’ To Growing Number Of Stray Dogs In The U.S.” Citing Peter Zheutlin, an author of a book on dog rescue, we’re told that “the supply of stray dogs greatly outweighs the demand,” that the number of dogs has “cascaded out of control” including “more than 1 million stray dogs” in Houston alone, that “The no-kill movement has contributed to the population growth, as the…

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Pueblo Animal Protection Act

The Hon. Steve Nawrocki, President, And Members of the Pueblo City Council 1 City Hall Place Pueblo, CO 81003 Re: Pueblo Animal Protection Act Dear Members of the City Council, On behalf of the Pueblo and Colorado members of the No Kill Advocacy Center, I am writing in support of the Pueblo Animal Protection Act (PAPA) and urge its passage. PAPA is not only necessary, reasonable, and an effective means of saving lives, it is…

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Articles PETA

Why PETA Kills

Why PETA Kills is available on Amazon. From now until Sunday, December 3, it is available as a free download. Why? Why does PETA kill thousands of dogs and cats every year? Why are PETA employees instructed to acquire animals by any means necessary – which has included lying and theft – in order to kill those animals? Why do they encourage others to kill them? And why do they embrace and defend even abusive…

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