Rolling Back the Clock
These groups have become lobbyists for animal shelters, rather than lobbyists for the animals those shelters kill.
These groups have become lobbyists for animal shelters, rather than lobbyists for the animals those shelters kill.
By advocating with a keyboard, we can change hearts, minds, laws, and policies.
Seeks to weaken protections for shelter animals.
Ed Sayres, the former president of the ASPCA, has been hired by the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council, an industry lobbying group that supports puppy mills and fights animal protection legislation to curtail the abuse and sale of puppy mill dogs. This news is no surprise.
Study, rhetoric, fundraising, but no solutions for feral cats. No more coalitions that say you can’t criticize those who allow the killing to continue, that delay lifesaving long enough for memories of bold promises to fade, that assume every community in every city takes five magical years to get to No Kill, and that have endless resources but refuse to use them fully for their intended purpose.
How much killing is acceptable to you? How many deaths are you willing to allow them before you draw the line?
A seminal moment in time, a fight for the future, and once again, we must ask: will Best Friends ever rise to the occasion?
The Fight for the Minnesota Companion Animal Protection Act.
Even cleaning is never dull in the Winograd household as a dusty framed article takes on rich, political meaning.
Each paw represents an animals killed despite a rescue alternative in New York State.