Articles HSUS

Michael Vick’s new spokesman says ‘You are a monster too!’

Wayne Pacelle, the CEO of the Humane Society of the United States and spokesman for the most notorious animal abuser of our time, is digging himself into a deeper hole. The head of the nation’s wealthiest animal “protection” group is now arguing in newspapers across the country, including San Francisco’s, that we should forgive Michael Vick because we are all “sinners when it comes to animals.” Is Pacelle really that desperate that he now says we are all monsters like Vick?

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Articles HSUS

It’s Deja Vu All Over Again

In 1993, both the ASPCA and HSUS opposed a No Kill San Francisco. The ASPCA called it a “hoax” and the HSUS spent years trying to derail it through data distortion and a deliberate campaign of misinformation. Now, both the ASPCA and HSUS are trying to hinder success yet again. If ever agencies were blind to their own interests and bent on their own destruction, it is HSUS and the ASPCA.

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Articles HSUS

Wayne Pacelle Under Siege

In response to public outcry over their support and participation in the Wilkes County Massacre, Wayne Pacelle of HSUS issued an interim new policy of favoring temperament testing of individual dogs seized in dog-fighting cases, and called for “a meeting of leading animal welfare organizations concerning dogs victimized by dog fighting.” If history is any guide, there is little reason to celebrate as of yet.

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Articles HSUS

HSUS Defends Wilkes County Massacre

Earlier this week, rescue groups throughout the country pleaded with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and Wilkes County officials not to put nearly 150 dogs and puppies seized from a dog fighting raid systematically to death. Instead, they asked that the dogs be individually assessed and even extended offers of assistance, support, and resources. But HSUS refused, arguing that all the dogs should be killed, including puppies who were born after the seizure and posed no threat to public safety. Not content to simply embrace the killing, HSUS then one went step further.

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Articles HSUS

The Death of Hope at HSUS

In Wilkes County, North Carolina, over 120 Pit Bull-type dogs and puppies seized from a dog fighter were systematically put to death over the opposition of rescue groups, dog advocates, and others. Some of the puppies were born after the seizure. And a foster parent was even ordered to return puppies she had nursed back to health to be killed. As they did in the Michael Vick case, HSUS once again led the charge to have all the dogs, including the puppies, slaughtered.

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