Seeing is Believing
Read my photo article about PETA in the Huffington Post.
PETA’s systematic killing of animals and embrace of their killing cannot be understood without a psychological analysis of both Ingrid Newkirk, PETA’s founder, as well as those she recruits to do her bidding.
Today I am launching a new website which exposes the truth about PETA:
What’s in a Name? from the No Kill Advocacy Center will allow legislators and policy makers to understand why groups like HSUS, the ASPCA and PETA oppose badly needed shelter reform legislation.
You either love animals or you love PETA, but you can’t love both because the two are mutually exclusive.
Why? Why does PETA kill animals? Why does PETA call for more killing even in the face of alternatives? Why do they fight efforts to save animals when they are supposed to be an organization that helps them? And why do they embrace even abusive shelters when community activists try to reform them?
The Bizarre and Disturbing Truth About the Nation’s Most Infamous “Animal Rights” Organization.
If other communities can do achieve No Kill, why can’t Norfolk? The short answer is it can: when it stops listening to the political death cult that is PETA.