Articles PETA

PETA’s Endless Slaughter

Just Released Statistics Show that in 2016, PETA Killed 854 Cats and 557 Dogs. Please Contact Virginia Officials to Demand an End to It. In addition to killing 854 cats, PETA urged officials in various communities across the country to round up and kill cats, too, including the Seaside Heights, NJ, Boardwalk cats. Your donation dollars at work. The Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (VDACS) has finally received and posted PETA’s killing rate…

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Articles PETA

Demonizing Cats

According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, ‘Cats smell, they are a nuisance, make too much noise, are a public health and rabies threat, transmit disease and parasites, including “roundworms, hookworms, and even plague,” and “terrorize and kill” 15 billion other animals a year.’ The only thing missing is a claim they are in league in witches. Why is PETA demonizing cats? They are trying to stop Camden County, NJ, officials from embracing…

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Bringing Shelters Into the 21st Century

Help needed to get Florida shelter reform legislation passed. It is the most powerful piece of shelter reform legislation ever introduced. Short of a ban on killing, its passage would be a game changer not only in Florida, but across the nation. It is more sweeping than California’s Hayden Law which increased rescue transfers by over 350% (over 45,000 animals a year) and arguably saved over 1,000,000 animals since its passage. It is more comprehensive…

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Articles PETA

The Enemy of My Enemy is NOT My Friend

Supporters of “Jallikattu” in India, where a scared — not “sacred” as proponents claim, but scared — bull is chased by a lot of people to forcibly hang on to him, have been trying to contact me to help them because PETA India has been fighting it. They have me confused with someone else. I am a proponent of animal rights, not a defender of harm. In fact, because I believe in the rights of…

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Articles Corruption PETA

Direct Action Everywhere: Stop Embracing Dog & Cat Killers

Updated January 17, 2017 A Letter to the Leadership, Activists, & Supporters of Direct Action Everywhere Direct Action Everywhere Organizing Principles:  ‘WHAT WE BELIEVE:  Animal Liberation: We believe that every animal (human or non-human) has an equal right to be safe, happy, and free…  Truth: There are times in history when uncomfortable truths must be said; we will say them…  HOW WE OPERATE:  Integrity. Choose the ethical route over the easier one…’ ‘Thursday, Dec 29,…

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Articles PETA

You can help stop PETA from rounding up and killing animals

Last year, the Commonwealth of Virginia overwhelming passed SB 1381, a law which requires shelters to be “operated for the purpose of finding permanent adoptive homes.” In other words, SB 1381 does what the public already thinks shelters do and what the dictionary says they do, even though PETA, which is located in Virginia, does not. In fact, the bill was introduced in a response to PETA—which is licensed in Virginia as a shelter—killing over…

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Articles PETA

PETA: ‘It’s the family’s fault we killed their dog’

For those who have been following my work, you already know that PETA is being sued for taking and killing Maya, a family’s dog. You also know that PETA rounds up and kills animals every year. Finally, you know that they have filed various motions to have the case dismissed by arguing that the dog was worthless, she had no value beyond the cost of replacement for another dog, they had permission by the property…

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Articles PETA

Updated: PETA Trying to Get Away With Maya’s “Murder”

Part I: PETA tells a court that dogs are worthless and that stealing & killing a family’s dog is not “outrageous.” The Court disagrees. Maya. Killed by PETA On October 18, 2014, PETA representatives took a family’s dog, and then killed her with a lethal dose of barbiturates. Maya’s family was devastated. Although PETA initially denied doing so according to a family spokesperson, surveillance video proved they did. They subsequently admitted to taking and killing…

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