No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Why PETA’s lawsuit against a wildlife photographer harms animal rights activists, the animal rights movement, and ultimately, the animals themselves.
Why PETA’s lawsuit against a wildlife photographer harms animal rights activists, the animal rights movement, and ultimately, the animals themselves.
PETA has once again shown its true colors, this time aligning itself with a hunting organization in order to promote the round up and killing of community cats.
Virginia law, ยง 19.2-191(2), empowers the state’s commonwealth attorney to order a grand jury to “investigate and report on any condition that involves or tends to promote criminal activity, either in the community or by any governmental authority, agency or official thereof.”
Help me and other animal activists working to protect the thousands of animals every year who will continue to die at the hands of PETA every year and who need you to come to their defense.
While news of PETA’s activities so often results in people asking, “What happened to PETA?” and “When did it become so corrupt?” these questions, in light of PETA’s history, are misguided and misinformed. Nothing has happened to PETA.
Celebration & Sober Reflection in the Passage of SB 1381 (& What You Can Do).
PETA attempts to derail lifesaving laws to help animals.
Records from VDACS show that at least two kittens, one puppy, and two other dogs were also killed.
You have until Monday to write in support of the No Kill Advocacy Center petition.
Animals in Florida, Maryland, Connecticut, and Minnesota To Die