Animal Lovers Need Not Apply
My latest article in the Huffington Post.
Today is the four year anniversary of the ASPCA’s killing of Oreo, an abused dog, who a No Kill sanctuary offered to save. After Oreo was killed, legislation was introduced in New York which would have made it illegal for shelters, including the ASPCA, to kill animals who rescue groups were willing to save. It was estimated that if the law passed, 25,000 animals a year would be saved. Ed Sayres, the former CEO of…
A critical assessment of the “California Sheltering Report.”
Following HSUS and the ASPCA off the cliff into a deep, black void of kitsch.
What’s in a Name? from the No Kill Advocacy Center will allow legislators and policy makers to understand why groups like HSUS, the ASPCA and PETA oppose badly needed shelter reform legislation.
An open letter to supporters of PETA, the ASPCA, and the Humane Society of the United States,