Articles PETA

Why PETA Kills

Why PETA Kills is available on Amazon. From now until Sunday, December 3, it is available as a free download. Why? Why does PETA kill thousands of dogs and cats every year? Why are PETA employees instructed to acquire animals by any means necessary – which has included lying and theft – in order to kill those animals? Why do they encourage others to kill them? And why do they embrace and defend even abusive…

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Articles Corruption

Memphis Violates the Constitutional Rights of Rescuers

The Hon. Jim Strickland, Mayor, And Members of the City Council Memphis City Hall 125 N. Main St. Memphis, TN 38103 Dear Mayor and Council Members, Several Memphis citizens have reached out to us over the enactment by Memphis Animal Services (MAS) of a new “Rescue Partner Policy” which includes the policy that rescuers may not engage in any social media activity or communication that MAS deems negative to the reputation of MAS. Violation of…

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Articles PETA

Ingrid Newkirk Responds… Sort Of

In response to my criticism of PETA for: Killing 9 out of 10 animals; Supporting the killing of all pit bulls in every shelter in America; Thanking a Mayor/City Council for killing healthy and friendly dogs because of the way they look; Rounding up and killing animals in the back of a van after promising to find them homes; Stealing Maya, a happy and healthy dog and killing her; Calling for the round up and…

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Articles Articles (Essential)

157 Million Reasons to Go No Kill

A new study out of the University of Denver offers 157 million reasons for a city to embrace No Kill. The exact number — or rather, dollar value — is $157,452,503. That’s the total positive economic impact the City of Austin, TX, has realized since passing Resolution 20091105-040, the “No Kill plan.” And, the study authors note, that’s “the most conservative possible measure of the data.” In other words, the true economic benefit is likely…

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Articles Corruption PETA

Protesting the Protesters

This week, this full page ad ran in the East Bay Express  to protest the fact that Ingrid Newkirk, the Butcher of Norfolk, has been invited to the Bay Area to give the keynote address at an upcoming conference sponsored by Berkeley-based group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE). DxE claims “that every animal has an equal right to be safe and happy and free,” but they do not believe that applies to the animals Newkirk and…

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Articles Corruption PETA

The Butcher of Norfolk is Coming to Berkeley

Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) has invited PETA President Ingrid Newkirk to speak in Berkeley on October 20.   Newkirk is the architect of PETA’s campaign of companion animal extermination which has claimed the lives of at least 32,744 over the last 13 years. These animals are often acquired through trapping, lying, and even, outright theft, and most are killed immediately, without ever being made available for adoption. Last year, after I learned that DxE had…

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Nevertheless, They Persisted

Jacki Moss and Diane Finley believe that every “shelter,” no matter how bad it may be, can be No Kill. They also believe that “shelters” can be forced to become No Kill, even if the leadership there doesn’t care enough to want it. And they believe that with constant, relentless pressure and organized strategies, in some shelters it can be done in six months (but tell you to persist no matter how long it takes).…

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Brave: A Review of Welcome Home

My wife and I wrote a book that will have plenty of frenemies, but few real friends. Welcome Home is a book that challenges the position promoted by the loudest voices in the animal rights movement that living with dogs and cats, no matter how much we may care for them, violates their rights. We disagree: dogs and cats want to live with us, chose to live with us, should live with us, and where…

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Colorado on the Cusp

Colorado has an 89% statewide live release rate for dogs and cats. Humane Society of Fremont County is leading the way. Sugar was surrendered to Humane Society of Fremont County by the dog’s owner because she was “aggressive toward people and other dogs.” Most shelters would have killed her as “owner requested euthanasia” without ever giving her a chance. They would not have counted her in statistics and, by sweeping her death under the rug…

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RIP Cosmic Giant

Richard Gregory has died. During his life, he fought against segregation, disenfranchisement, racism, gender equality, and economic injustice. He also fought for animals: I had been a participant in all of the ‘major’ and most of the ‘minor’ civil rights demonstrations of the early sixties. Under the leadership of Dr. King, I became convinced that nonviolence meant opposition to killing in any form. I felt the commandment ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’ applied to human beings…

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