Articles Corruption

A Loss for the Louisiana SPCA is a Victory for the Animals

Transparency is the hallmark of accountability, the best disinfectant for corruption. And there is no better example than the No Kill movement itself. The only thing that has forced the large national groups and shelters across the country to embrace positive, life-affirming changes to the way they have long operated and to reduce the sheer number of animals they have long needlessly killed was the court of public opinion. Public access to statistics about how…

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Articles Articles (Essential)

A Defense of No Kill in Both Word & Deed

A social, friendly kitten rescued off the street by a rescuer (and her dog) after she was released to the streets, in a location she was not familiar with, by Brevard County Animal Shelter, a shelter that calls itself No Kill. And while many of us — myself included — support “Return to Field”  and TNR enthusiastically, it is lazy and dishonest to take friendly kittens and release  them in parking lots and claim they’ve…

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Articles Articles (Essential)

Behaviorally Challenged Dogs: Can We Save Them All? [1]

Photo by Eileen McFall: dog playgroup at Austin Animal Center. True to their mission statements and the highest ideals of the animal protection movement, shelters committed to a No Kill orientation seek to provide a brighter future and a second chance to every animal entrusted to their care. Yet while eliminating the killing of 100% of companion animals who enter shelters is a worthy goal, the reality is that shelters invariably take in a small…

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Feds Pull Funding for Oakland, Berkeley Clear Cutting

By Nathan & Jennifer Winograd Many of us tried to engage in meaningful dialog with Bay Area politicians and land managers about our objections to the clear cutting and poisoning of the hills. We were rebuffed. Some, like Mayor Libby Schaaf, did not even extend the courtesy of a reply. Others, like Dan KALB, Oakland City Councilmember, calls anyone who disagrees with him “stupid.”  We tried to engage the media — local newspapers, television and…

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