
No Surprise: TNR Works

A new study shows TNR works. OK, you know that. That is neither a controversial nor new finding. In so many ways, it may even seem mundane. But the study will be very helpful to you as you advocate for TNR/SNR in your community because it offers plenty for government officials and bean counters who want the proof that it saves lives, reduces the number of free-roaming cats, and saves money.

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Articles PETA

PETA: Kill the Victims

On November 6 at the University of Virginia School of Law, I debated PETA’s attorney on the issue:  “The Kill Versus No Kill Debate: Which Animal Shelters Are Most Humane?” I argued for a guaranteed right to life for companion animals entering shelters. PETA argued that animals were better off dead. In the interests of full disclosure, I agreed to have the debate videotaped or audiotaped and to make it available to everyone so people…

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