Articles PETA

PETA issues a subpoena demanding I turn over confidential informants for my book, “Why PETA Kills.”

In defense of their safety, the safety of animals, and my First Amendment rights, I will NOT be doing so. Please help me. For more than two decades, I have been working to expose the grisly truth about PETA: that far from being a voice for the rights of animals as is commonly believed, employees at PETA headquarters in Norfolk, VA commit daily violence against them, injecting thousands of healthy puppies, kittens, dogs, cats, rabbits,…

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Forever on the Cusp

A dog available for adoption at the Humane Society of Fremont County, one of the brightest spots in Colorado’s constellation of progressive sheltering communities. Colorado is stuck. Don’t get me wrong. The state has the second largest number of communities with placement rates above 90%. Fremont County is continuing to help redefine the rehabilitation of dogs with behavior challenges, finding homes for 99% and limiting “aggression”-related killing to 1/4th of 1%. The City Council in…

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No Kill is Love: New York Times Edition

Tens of thousands of animals were spared death this weekend. A New York Times OpEd writer suggests that’s a bad thing. A hopelessly contradictory and factually inaccurate OpEd piece in the New York Times is reigniting a false debate about whether No Kill policies help or harm animals. (Hint: saving lives rather than poisoning them to death with barbiturates, inducing a heart attack by heartsticking, or gassing them in a chamber is a good thing,…

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No-Fee Adoption Events Save Lives

Yesterday I wrote about Valerie, a dog adopted during a no-fee adoption event in Southern California. The initial report indicated she was sexually abused and died of blunt force trauma. Some well-meaning, but in my view misguided, advocates claimed they would protest this weekend’s Clear the Shelters events, where over 7,000 agencies are expected to place 50,000 animals who otherwise face the very real threat of death. Some less well-meaning people, looking to exploit Valerie’s…

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No Fee Adoptions, Shelter Killing, and the Death of Valerie

Valerie, a dog adopted from a shelter during a no-fee adoption event, has ended up dead. Although initial information about the case suggested abuse and blunt force trauma (observations made by a veterinary technician), the conclusions of the treating and forensic veterinarians did not find evidence of either. Some well-meaning (and some not-so-well-meaning) people are protesting adoption events such as these as rendering the animals “worthless.” They claim that “without an investment” in an adoption…

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New analysis: No Kill-level live release rates are consistent with public safety

I previously reported that in Austin, TX, the killing of dogs deemed “aggressive” has declined significantly over the years: from 2009, the year before the City mandated a minimum 90% live release rate at the shelter, to 2015 the rate dropped from 7% to 1%. At the same time, the live release rate for dogs climbed from 69% to 98%. As the number of Austin residents increased by 21%, the number of overall dogs in…

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Articles Corruption

Is Long Beach, CA, Mayor Robert Garcia violating the constitutional rights of shelter reform advocates?

On behalf of the No Kill Advocacy Center, I’ve asked the Los Angeles County District Attorney to investigate. It appears that the Mayor of Long Beach, California, Robert Garcia, has been hiding Facebook comments critical of his handling of Long Beach Animal Care Services—an agency with low adoption and unacceptable levels of killing—from public view*, actions that would not only be morally reprehensible, but unconstitutional and therefore, illegal. Citizens not only have the First Amendment…

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Pets are Family Fair Housing Act

Announcing the “Pets are Family Fair Housing Act,” the latest FREE guide and model legislation from the No Kill Advocacy Center. For the vast majority of people, the bond they share with their animal companions is a familial one, born of love and mutual affection. And yet, many families are unable to find rental housing because of discrimination against their animal companions, breaking up families and, in some cases, even leading to homelessness. Those already…

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Contracting for No Kill

Too many shelters are not voluntarily implementing the No Kill Equation, the series of programs and services which have proven so successful at lifesaving in shelters which have implemented them. As a result, animals are being needlessly killed. And shelters which are supposed to reflect the values of animal loving Americans are instead undermining them. In response, the No Kill Advocacy Center has developed model legislation to help animal lovers and animal advocates achieve their…

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In Defense of Puppy Mill Rescuers (With Caveat)

A Policy Discussion About The Washington Post’s Bombshell Report Jack, purchased at auction by National Mill Dog Rescue. Jack, post-auction rescue. A few days ago, The Washington Post ran a very provocative exposé entitled, “Dog rescuers, flush with donations, buy animals from the breeders they scorn.” The article, which has since sparked a great deal of debate within the rescue community, explored how some rescue groups which engage in “puppy mill rescue” are raising large…

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